CMYK vs RGB – What is the difference and why does it matter?
If you’re designing characters digitally, saving digital files for a customer, or if you commissioned an artist and you’re wondering...
Whether it’s colored pencil tricks or art business etiquette, Craz has a blog post that may help to inspire you!
If you’re designing characters digitally, saving digital files for a customer, or if you commissioned an artist and you’re wondering...
For more Artist Alley preparation advice, check out my Artist Alley Beginners Guides Part 1 and Part 2 Conventions can...
What is Trello? Trello is a visual based organizational system. You can create an account with an email address and...
I had written details about my preference for Prismacolor markers in a previous ramble. And although I still stick to my...
“Why am I so disappointed in my art?” I have heard this question asked many times by fellow artists and...
NOTE: It’s important to remember that every person’s preference, likes, and dislikes will vary depending on the work they do...
Question: “I share my artwork through my personal page on Facebook and I seem to be doing ok. Should I...
Supplies, documentation, preorders, money and security were covered in the previous post which can be read here. Setting Up Camp...
Artist alleys at conventions can be a great way for artists of any skill-level to make connections, improve their skills,...
TL;DR: A little bit goes a long way and a tiny bit more goes much farther. Value yourself, treat your business...
Artwork © 2016-2018 Carrie Lindstrom [] - The characters depicted belong to their respective owners.
Artwork on this site is not for public use. Do not edit, copy, trace, reference, alter, publish, or re-distribute in any way.
HERRO and happy fall! See the Shirt shop for a farewell sale on discontinued designs! For those attending MFF, NYFB, ANW, and ANE, feel free to preorder for pick-up using coupon code 'conpickup' - Stay tuned for updates and convention schedule on the Crazdude Telegram Channel: - Much LORF! <3 Dismiss