
Ask Craz! – Interview with Kiki D.

I was recently approached by Kiki D. (owner of the lovely character Crescent Gear that I had the pleasure of...

Life as a full-time Artist Working from Home (part 3)

Catch up by reading Part 1 and Part 2 of this post! Help your body last as long as your...

Life as a full-time Artist Working from Home (part 2)

Life as a full-time Artist Working from Home (part 2)

The second part of my three part series that covers more of the keys to personal health that a full-time artist should work into their lives.

Life as a full-time Artist Working from Home (part 1)

Balance is crucial for a diverse and healthy life as well as a healthy business. There are some key elements...

Naughty or Nice: good intentions that offend artists

The line between naughty and nice can get pretty hazy when trying to express admiration of an artist’s work. Here’s...

Top Ways Artists Anger Their Customers

Artists have a lot to manage when they offer their services for commissions: it’s not just about creating artwork. In...

Ask Craz! vol. 1

Say HERRO to a new advice blog post series I’m planning to offer called “Ask Craz!” The art business world...

Selling at Canadian Conventions (pt. 1)

PREFACE: This blog post is anecdotal with references, links, and phone numbers. This should serve as a reference but does not...

ART IS PAIN: Dealing with repetitive motion injuries

As a full-time artist (and with plenty of friends who are also hard-working art professionals), I know we artists have...

A little thing about numbers (Follower counts: Quality over quantity)

Without being a borderline troll by commenting on people’s posts just to get attention or paying for followers, getting a fan base...