Crazdude Art & Design

Recent Rambles

Tips, tricks, and recent news fresh from the desk of Carrie Lindstrom.
Ask Craz Vol. 4

Ask Craz Vol. 4

Say HERRO to my advice blog post series called “Ask Craz!” The art business world can be vast and pretty...

Ask Craz! – Interview with Kiki D.

I was recently approached by Kiki D. (owner of the lovely character Crescent Gear that I had the pleasure of...

Fighting Con Crud

If you've ever been to a convention, you know that when you awake on the Monday after the con, you're likely to encounter two of the most dreaded phrases in convention lingo: "Post-con depression" (also called "PCD", which is that sad deflated party balloon feeling after you say goodbye to all your friends) and of course "Con Crud." You don't need to be smoochin' or sharing drinks to be susceptible to the latter. If you're a dealer or shopper, you're at a higher risk thanks to all the people you interact with during the weekend as you exchange paper currency (paper money is HELLA GROSS by the way!) for three days straight.

Ask Craz! vol. 3

Ask Craz! vol. 3

Check out Ask Craz! vol. 2 Say HERRO to my advice blog post series called “Ask Craz!” The art business...

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After experimenting with numerous artistic mediums and growing her independent art business, Carrie is now passing along her tips, tricks, and advice through her Recent Rambles ADVICE BLOG POSTS!

= SHOP =

Check out the SHOP for original artwork, coloring books, prints, shirts, stickers, greeting cards, and more!

Be sure to check back soon for even more exclusive prints and merchandise!


Looking for custom artwork or character design? Or are you interested in branding or advertising your business? See what Carrie has to offer in her COMMISSION INFO and TERMS OF SERVICE

HERRO and happy fall! See the Shirt shop for a farewell sale on discontinued designs! For those attending MFF, NYFB, ANW, and ANE, feel free to preorder for pick-up using coupon code 'conpickup' - Stay tuned for updates and convention schedule on the Crazdude Telegram Channel: - Much LORF! <3 Dismiss